In 1949 Maurizio Rossi and Luigi Cristina founded the company Officina Meccanica Sestese in Arona (Northern Italy). In those difficult post-war years, the Company undertook the important task of producing equipment and accessories for the brick and tile industry.


OMS’ production soon asserted itself on the market so much that after a few years it became necessary to change premises. So, in 1958 a new plant was inaugurated in Arona where it continued to produce technologically advanced kiln equipment.


First International Patent: “ Artiglio Fork” for bricks. Sold in all five continents.


New Headquarter in Paruzzaro


First Strapping Head Model R10


AT62 New thermoshrink hooding machine


Strapping Head Model TR14


OMS celebrates its 50th Anniversary


First Thermoshrink hooding machine AT53


Acquisition of OMSTRAP in - Sandigliano (Biella), for strap and consumables production


New Stretch hooding machine model IS43


ISM bundle strapper, for the paper and cardboard industry


The new high yield IS46 stretch hooding machine


Today, Officina Meccanica Sestese offers a complete range of end-of-the-line packaging machines and systems. Thanks to the great reliability of its machines, guaranteed by years of experience, and its production versatility, OMS Group can satisfy all market requirements from the simplest strapping machine to the most sophisticated packaging system.


Officina Meccanica Sestese celebrates its 70th anniversary.
An important milestone in our History.


New strapping head model VYBRO Plus
Maurizio Rossi
Maurizio Rossi
Luigi Cristina
Luigi Cristina
Artiglio Fork
Artiglio Fork
Fork lift & Artiglio Fork
Fork lift & Artiglio Fork
Stabilimento di Paruzzaro
Stabilimento di Paruzzaro
Headquarters in Paruzzaro
Headquarters in Paruzzaro
Strapping head TR14
Strapping head TR14
Stretch Hooder IS43
Stretch Hooder IS43
Our "first" 70 years
Logo created for this event
Logo created for this event

OMS in the world

  • 1000

    Machines produced every year
  • 450

    People working synergically every day
  • 22000

    The area of Paruzzaro’s works
  • 12

    OMS worldwide branches
  • 75

    Years of worldwide presence in the field

Philosophy And objectives for the Future

  • Consolidation and extension of the worldwide sales and assistance network
    Sales network
  • Adoption of state-of-the-art machine design and manufacturing technologies
    Sales network
  • Adoption of new and more sophisticated machine management and diagnosis software which also allows for remote machine operation control and programming (through a modem)
    Sales network
  • Orientation towards the supply of complete "packaging solutions" to be integrated in production lines instead of single machines
    Sales network
  • Adaptation of machines to the most recent energy savings requirements
    Sales network
  • Possibility for the machines to properly work with materials with a low environmental impact
    Sales network