Type of machines



The head TR1400 is a model of the Modular Series developed by  OMS Group and represents the state-of-the-art in the field of strapping heads.

The main features allow a rapid exchange of the modular groups, allowing production to maintained and any downtime minimised. The Welding group, for example, can be replaced in only 2 minutes while the Clamping group in 4 minutes.

Thanks to high quality of mechanics and electronics components as well as proven and reliable Tensioning Technology used, the TR1400 gives a top quality sealing, fast feed and consistent aligment of the strap and guarantees reliable binding in PP or PET.



> Quick Modular Groups Replacement

> High Performance and Speed

> Proven and reliable Tensioning Technology

> Fast, consistent strap feed and aligment


The head is available in two different models: standard and TR1400HD version (with blade cleaning system and knurled pliers).


Options available:

– Strap refeeding device
– Automatic strap feeding

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